If you asked me last year if I wanted to become a yoga teacher. . .
“Probably not…” I would say.
I love lifting weights, crushing it in Cycling classes, trying any active activity once in my life, and then I would take the occasional yoga class. Yoga was at most a once a week activity for me.
Yoga was once just another physical activity for me. I tried it because I heard it was good for me. Both physically and mentally. And it did make me feel good! But there were often times that I would sneak peeks at the clock, hoping the full hour was over and the good vibes would be automatically flow through my body.
There would be times where I felt great afterwards, and times where I was impatient and still felt as stressed as when I first walked into class.
I cannot exactly explain what changed this year for me. Maybe I am finally most comfortable in my own skin and happy with exactly who I am. (Of course there are always things one can work on) Maybe its turning 30! I can finally say “I f*kn rock!” and be totally confident in saying so!
My yoga practice became something I’ve never experienced before in class. Again, I cannot explain how or why. I think, I let all my burdens go once I walked into class, started actually breathing and being present in class. Sure, you do drift off sometimes, but I think I finally embraced feeling and healing my body during my practice. Instead of holding my breathe, I took everything in and let what did not serve me… go. I felt amazing both physically and mentally during and after class. My body was radiating and surging with amazing good energy.
I started practicing yoga twice a week, then three times a week, and as much as five times a week. I was hooked!
At this time I still did not contemplate yoga teacher training. My friend Jasmine asked if I would ever think of becoming a yoga teacher, she was on the verge of making her decision to or not. “Probably not, I am not very advanced” I was curious one day and clicked on a few links for Yoga Teacher Training, it seemed totally intimidating to me. I felt like I was not advanced enough, I could not even get into a headstand! Could I possibly inspire others as these amazing yoga teachers can?
A few months later, Jasmine told me she was 100% going forward with it and that I should do it with her! I still wasn’t sure if becoming a yoga teacher was a journey I wanted to take. I love being a student, and I was not sure how I felt about actually teaching yoga.
One day during class in Savasana…. it clicked that what really makes me happy, is helping people, and wanting to help them feel better. It’s not about bending your body into a pretzel or flowing into crazy inversions. I love fitness, yoga and wellness I want to combine my love for all those things with my love for food and culinary background.
Although I don’t know exactly where this journey will take me. This journey is one that will deepen my practice and learn more about myself.
Currently on a Jet Blue Flight to Maya Tulum to start Yoga Teacher Training with my fellow yogis at Yoga Medicine
I am super excited to start this amazing journey and can’t wait to tell you all about it!
If you’ve contemplated Yoga Teacher Training or have already went through Yoga Teacher Training… What are your reasons to become a yoga teacher? What was your experience like if you have already gone through yoga teacher training? Any other advice or comments are welcome! 🙂